【 Malaysia Long stay, Malaysia Property, Apartment, Hotel,Travel, Rental , MM2H, Blog】

【マレーシア 観光 旅行 ブログ Blog】スカイミラー (Sky Mirror)
Place name:
Maybank Championship at Saujana Golf & Country Club
Jalan Subang, U 2, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor
Operating Time:
Park surrounding at entrance.
My remark:
Do you play golf? I went to Maybank Championship at Saujana Golf & Country Club on MAR (Sorry too late to post) to watch the tournament which was held from 21st to 24th MAR 2019. However, I am not a golf lover, just would like to take a look for Malaysia golf course. Another secret was I want to see Ryo Ishikawa!!!, a Japanese famous handsome golf player. Finally I have not chance to see him, LOL. Saujana Golf & Country Club is a membership golf course, normal daytime think is not allow to come in. Malaysia has over 200 golf courses over the country and Japanese also like to play golf so much, not all Japanese are playing golf but what I know some Syacyou, 社長, General Manager, CEO, they like to play. I can see Saujana Golf & Country Club is a huge golf course with palm tree and greenery environment. I am planning to write a blog for Palm garden golf club or maybe more detail for Saujana Golf & Country Club (If have chance.). Please stay tune. Cherry up! 20th MAY 2019 (MON) is holiday! Happy Holiday!!!
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